"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens."
- Kahlil Gibran
The universe is talking to me. The message is loud and clear, and it's coming at me from all directions! It's in the books I’m reading, the emails I’m receiving, the shows I’m watching... it says "Change your attitude!". Well, ok then. It doesn't cost anything and it sure would be nice to have a brand new, upgraded attitude.
I've come to realize that a positive attitude is one of the most powerful attributes a person can possess. The ability to be positive – at home or at work, in thoughts and in actions – is related to all the good things we seek in life, such as health, happiness, love and success. For some this comes easily, for others it requires more effort. (As you may have guessed, I fall into the latter category.)
This year, I am setting some different goals for myself. Instead of resolving to exercise more, eat less and keep my desk clutter free, I will focus my energy on being positive. I want to smile more and complain less, I want to nurture my inner spirit by connecting with more positive people and making better choices, and I'd like to encourage others to do the same.
No; strike that.
I will smile more and complain less, I will nurture my inner spirit by connecting with more positive people and making better choices, and I will do my best to lead others by example.
Recommended reading: Jeffrey Gitomer's "Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude"
© 2009 E. Delgardio All Rights Reserved
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